3 C
giovedì, Marzo 6, 2025

Anonymous: scopriremo e colpiremo tutti i siti dei terroristi

Must read

Angelo Gangi: lasciate la statua di Giacomo Mancini dov’è

La Redazione/ Sono certo che il Sindaco di Cosenza saprà rivedere la propria posizione assunta, sull'allocazione della statua raffigurante...

Si è tenuta ieri a Rende un’Assemblea congiunta dei 42 delegati rendesi, dei movimenti civici “Noi” e “Servire l’Italia”

Si è tenuta ieri a Rende un'Assemblea congiunta dei 42 delegati rendesi, dei movimenti civici "Noi" e "Servire l'Italia". L'assemblea, sia pur...

Harris ammette, Trump si prepara a prendere il potere

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Germania nel caos verso il voto anticipato, Scholz licenzia Lindner

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This is important. Time is serious.
On January 7, 2015, freedom of speech was bruised. Terrorists breached into “Charlie Hebdo » newspaper’s headquarter and shot several cartoon artists, journalists and two policemen. Disgusted and also shocked, we can’t fall down, it is our responsibility to react. We are all affected by the death of Cabu, Charb, Tignous and Wolinski, talented artists who were murdered for their opinions and the freedom of their newspaper.
“Charlie Hebdo”, historical figure of satirical journalism has been targeted by cowards. Anonymous has always fought for the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. We will never stop.
Anonymous must remind every citizen that the freedom of the press is fundamental to all democracy. It is everyone’s responsibility to defend it. We always fought for the freedom of speech. We will not give in.
Attacking freedom of speech is attacking Anonymous. We will not permit it. Any organisations or enterprises linked to those terrorists attacks should expect a massive reaction from Anonymous. We are tracking you down. We will find you and not leave you any rest.


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